Renew Membership
You do NOT need to login to the website to renew your membership. Currently renewals are by internet banking only and will take 1-5 working days from payment confirmation to be processed.
Renewals are $275 each year.
If your membership is up for renewal, you can make payment via bank deposit to the following bank account, leaving your username as reference.
Bank: SBS
Account Number: 03-1355-0105308-00
Existing Members Annual Renewal
- Price includes GST.
- Membership is for 1 year and runs from the date when you purchased your key.
- New members includes the supply and postage of your key.
- All Keys are security coded.
- Replacement keys will cost $25.
- The CJSC operates under a set of Rules and Regulations which have been set in place for everyone’s safety. A copy of these rules must be agreed to when filling out the online form.