Social Rides
CJSC will be holding a series of social rides. This is a great opportunity to be able to come out for a ride with other like minded people as well as meet other jet skiers in our region.
As an affiliated club of NZJSBA the CJSC runs all events to the national body’s high safety standards. This protects our clubs volunteers and allows us to hold events in public while abiding by council and local authority regulations in holding public indemnity insurances etc. The down side of this in the past has meant a charge for each member to hold a day licence and thus be eligible to take part in events. The CJSC has assisted lobbying the NZJSBA and we have been successful in implementing a yearly social licence system that minimises the fees.

The new NZJSBA Social Licence will run from Oct to Oct and have an annual fee of $20, however for this current year it will run from now till Oct 2020. You can sign up at each event and the CJSC and NZJSBA will hold a database of all Social Licensed riders making it easy if you travel to other affiliated club rides around NZ. Members who hold a current race licence will be covered already. We plan to have a minimum of 4 rides per year alongside our racing calendar. These rides will include a BBQ and some events will have spot prizes and exclusive product demos.
If we hold a major Social event, Poker Run for instance, there may be an extra charge to cover costs for this type of event.
We look forward to seeing you all there and will keep you posted closer to the time regarding further details and weather reports. If the ride is cancelled it will be notified on Facebook and from the CJSC subscribers email the night before the planned ride.
We would love your feedback on ideas for rides and if you are keen to assist planning and/or running of rides get in touch and let us know.